The task was to create a multi-layered interior in a modern style with a claim to luxury!
In this project we have created a mix of stucco decor with modern furniture and lighting. Thanks
to panoramic glazing, a light-flooded space has turned out, setting lightness and volume.
S m2: 169 кв м
Year: 2021
Описание: Задача была создать многослойный интерьер в современном стиле с претензией
на роскошь! В этом проекте мы создали микс лепного декора с современной мебелью
и освещением. Благодаря панорамному остеклению , получилось залитое светом пространство, задающее легкость и объём.
The task was to create a multi-layered interior
in a modern style with a claim to luxury!
In this project we have created a mix of stucco
decor with modern furniture and lighting. Thanks
to panoramic glazing, a light-flooded space has
turned out, setting lightness and volume.